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Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.

Node.js Reviews and details

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Features & Specs

  1. Asynchronous and Event-Driven

    Node.js uses an asynchronous, non-blocking, and event-driven I/O model, making it efficient and scalable for handling multiple simultaneous connections.

  2. JavaScript Everywhere

    Developers can use JavaScript for both client-side and server-side programming, providing a unified language environment and better synergy between front-end and back-end development.

  3. Large Community and NPM

    Node.js has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem with the Node Package Manager (NPM), which offers thousands of open-source libraries and tools that can be integrated easily into projects.

  4. High Performance

    Built on the V8 JavaScript engine from Google, Node.js translates JavaScript directly into native machine code, which increases performance and speed.

  5. Scalability

    Designed with microservices and scalability in mind, Node.js enables easy horizontal scaling across multiple servers.

  6. JSON Support

    Node.js seamlessly handles JSON, which is a common format for API responses, making it an excellent choice for building RESTful APIs and data-intensive real-time applications.

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What is Node.js Exactly? - a beginners introduction to Nodejs

Learn node.js in 2020 - A review of best node.js courses

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Node.js and what they use it for.
  • Image Upload to Strapi via REST API with Next.js and Postman
    Media or file upload is very common in most technologies and providers, such as Nodejs, Laravel, Java, Cloudinary, AWS S3, etc., and is a fundamental aspect of web development. It is the transfer of files or media from a client machine to the server. This process is also a part of Strapi. - Source: / 1 day ago
  • Building Serverless APIS with Serverless,Node.js, Typescript, DynamoDB, and Lambda.
    We have the latest installed version of the Node.js runtime, you can find it here. - Source: / 5 days ago
  • A Straightforward Guide to Building and Using a JSON Database File
    Node.js and npm will need to be installed on your computer. Continue onto the following steps to set up and use JSON Server in your application:. - Source: / 9 days ago
  • Enhance Your App's Security with OTP-Agent
    Ensure you have Node.js installed, then run:. - Source: / 9 days ago
  • A Simple Approach to SSR with React 19 and esbuild
    As a prerequisite of our setup, we will need Node.js installed and the following packages:. - Source: / 16 days ago
  • What is Evan You doing by creating VoidZero, and what are the issues with JS toolchains?
    Nodejs is the most common JS runtime, which is stable, mature, and has a very rich ecosystem. - Source: / 22 days ago
  • Autopost to Bluesky and Mastodon by API
    The app uses Node.js and Axios to make connections to the Bluesky and Mastodon APIs, but don't worry if you aren't familiar with these frameworks, you'll be able to pop in your details and get postin' easily! - Source: / 26 days ago
  • What I learned from my NodeJS course (part 1)
    Download NodeJS is made to function outside a web browser With Node, it can be used for so much more than web development Https:// Download LTS version The site has changed a lot Go through the installation steps. - Source: / about 1 month ago
  • NgSysV2-2.1: Installing Sveltekit and creating a simple all-HTML webapp
    However, running the procedure is quite a challenge for a beginner. The basic download arrangement is documented at at Run JavaScript Everywhere but this is very light on operating instructions. You might find it helpful to check out the more detailed instructions at How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows. Take your time with this. If things go wrong, all you have to do is uninstall... - Source: / 6 months ago
  • Contributing to expressjs
    The WSL Discovery: My research led me to the conclusion that I should run Ruby on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), since it offers a much better development environment and access to the powerful Ruby Version Manager (RVM), which would allow me to work on projects that use different versions of Ruby. To me, installing RVM was a very similar feeling, since I use nvm-windows to allow me to switch between... - Source: / about 2 months ago
  • # From Jest to Pytest: A JavaScript Developer's Journey into Python Testing
    As a developer with a JavaScript background, I've spent a fair amount of time writing tests with Jest. In my project, gimme_readme, I had to play around with some experimental features with Node and Jest because of the 3rd party npm modules I was using. I was able to find great Stack Overflow threads that taught me how to run Jest tests when using ES6 syntax. Without the wisdom of these smart individuals, let's... - Source: / about 2 months ago
  • Creating your first React App
    If it’s not installed, download it from the Node.js website. - Source: / about 2 months ago
  • How to build a Cron Job using Node.js
    Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. One of the key benefits of using Node.js for building cron jobs is that it can handle multiple concurrent connections and is highly scalable. This article will cover the basics of creating a cron job using Node.js, including setting up a schedule and running the job. We will also... - Source: / about 1 year ago
  • Deploying a React Watchlist Tracker App to Production Using DeployHQ
    Node.js and npm - A cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment. - Source: / 2 months ago
  • Image Upload to Strapi via REST API with Next.js and Postman
    Media or file upload is very common in most technologies and providers, such as Nodejs, Laravel, Java, Cloudinary, AWS S3, etc., and is a fundamental aspect of web development. It is the transfer of files or media from a client machine to the server. This process is also a part of Strapi. - Source: / 2 months ago
  • Functional Programming in TypeScript
    To run the source code, you'll need to install Node.js. Once Node.js is installed, download the source code archive, unzip it, go to the source code folder you unzipped on a terminal, set up TypeScript environment and install all necessary dependencies with the following command:. - Source: / 2 months ago
  • Setting Up a Node.js, TypeScript, and Express Project
    If you don't have it installed, head over to the Node.js website and install it. - Source: / 2 months ago
  • How to Use Ant Design with Next.js: A Complete Guide
    Before we start, make sure you have Node.js installed on your computer. Next.js is super easy to set up! Open your terminal and run:. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Dockerizing a Next.js Application using a Standalone Build
    Every Docker image starts from a base image. In this case, any JavaScript project that runs a server, will need a runtime like Node.js. We'll take as base the Docker image of a Node.js version that is compatible with our project. In my case, I like to use the Alpine version of the images, since this is more lightweight. However, we have to check that there are no compatibility issues when building the image,... - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Functional Programming in TypeScript
    To run the source code, you'll need to install Node.js. Once Node.js is installed, download the source code archive, unzip it, go to the source code folder you unzipped on a terminal, set up TypeScript environment and install all necessary dependencies with the following command:. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Lite 🚀 ApolloNvim Distro 2024
    👉 I also recommend having Node.js installed. - Source: / 3 months ago

External sources with reviews and comparisons of Node.js

Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2025
JavaScript is widely used for back-end or server-side development because it makes a call to the remote server when a web page loads on the browser. When a browser loads a web page, it makes a call to a remote server. Further, the code parses the page’s URL to understand users’ requirements before retrieving and transforming the required data to serve back to the browser. The widely used framework for this is...
9 Best JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2023
Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and run on the Node.js runtime, which allows them to be executed on any platform that supports Node.js. Node.js applications are typically event-driven and single-threaded, making them efficient and scalable. Additionally, the Node Package Manager (NPM) provides a way to install and manage dependencies for Node.js projects easily. overall, Node.js is a powerful...
20 Best JavaScript Frameworks For 2023
TJ Holowaychuk built Express in 2010 before being acquired by IBM (StrongLoop) in 2015. Node.js Foundation currently maintains it. The key reason Express is one of the best JavaScript frameworks is its rapid server-side coding. Complex tasks that would take hours to code using pure Node.js can be resolved in a few minutes, thanks to Express. On top of that, Express offers a robust routing mechanism for handling...
FOSS | Top 15 Web Servers 2021
Node.js is a cross-platform server-side JavaScript environment built for developing and running network applications such as web servers. Node.js is licensed under a variety of licenses. As of March 2021, around 1.2% of applications were running on Node.js. Among the top companies and applications utilizing this modern web server are GoDaddy, Microsoft, General Electric, PayPal, eBay, Uber, and Yahoo!.
10 Best Tools to Develop Cross-Platform Desktop Apps 
Electron.js is compatible with a variety of frameworks, libraries, access to hardware-level APIs and chromium engine, and Node.js support. Electron Fiddle feature is great for experimentation as it allows developers to play around with concepts and templates. Simplification is at the center of Electron because developers don’t have to spend unnecessary time on the packaging, updates, crash reports, notification,...
Python vs. Node.js: Which WillAmeliorate Your ProjectBetter?
While Python code is easy to learn and use, being 2-10x shorter than C, C++ and Java that reduces development time and improves efficiency of the code. Node.js can be used to build some dynamic and awesome web experiences and not just the websites. We have the privilege to program both on client and server side with help of Node.js. There is no buffering in Node.js as applications output the data in pieces but...
Top 5 open source web servers
The difference between Node.js and other popular web servers is that it is primarily a cross-platform runtime environment to build network applications with. Node.js applies an event-driven architecture capable of asynchronous I/O. These design choices optimize throughput and scalability in web applications allowing to run real-time communication and browser games. Node.js also highlights the difference in web...
Top Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks
Node.js is another open-source, cross-platform framework known for developing networking and severer side applications. Built on Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js features a vast library of JavaScript modules that allow developers to manage simultaneous connections easily (better performance).

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