Preact is very small in size (about 3KB gzipped), which makes it easy to load and faster to execute, resulting in improved performance and quicker load times.
Preact is largely compatible with React, allowing developers to switch to Preact with minimal code changes. This makes it easier to adopt for projects already using React.
Due to its small size and efficient design, Preact offers excellent performance, especially on low-powered devices and in applications with heavy user interactions.
Preact can work with many tools and libraries that are designed for React, giving developers access to a rich ecosystem of resources.
Preact has an active and growing community that provides support, plugins, and third-party tools, making it easier for developers to find solutions and share knowledge.
There's so many articles, tools, and frameworks that help you develop for these users - but developers scorn them. Within the JavaScript subreddit, web workers are hated, even though they are one of the best tools we have for effectively developing apps on feature phones - scratch that, for all users! - Source: / 13 days ago
> React is a small rendering library Sorry, can't agree. React is a state management library that also attaches efficient rendering on top of the DOM diff it computes as it propagates the state changes. This allows React apps to remain so simple (one function per component) and so composable without turning into an unmanageable dish of callback / future spaghetti. There is a number of other VDOM... - Source: Hacker News / about 1 month ago
Performance and user experience have become the lifeline of modern web development. Two libraries that have gained immense popularity among developers for developing interactive user interfaces are React and Preact. - Source: / 3 months ago
This command creates a new Vite project with React. Feel free to replace “react” with “vue” or “vanilla” if that’s more your jam. Svelte, Preact, Qwik, and others are supported, too! - Source: / 4 months ago
Note: Astro supports a variety of popular frameworks including React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, SolidJS, AlpineJS and Lit with official integrations. While for other frameworks e.g. Angular and Qwik, you may still benefit from this tutorial and you would need to further set up the community maintained framework integrations. - Source: / 5 months ago
In this post, we get to know more about Preact, one of this year's trending libraries. And we'll compare it to React to see which one suits better for our projects. - Source: / 9 months ago
Similarly to Promises/A+, this effort focuses on aligning the JavaScript ecosystem. If this alignment is successful, then a standard could emerge, based on that experience. Several framework authors are collaborating here on a common model which could back their reactivity core. The current draft is based on design input from the authors/maintainers of Angular, Bubble, Ember, FAST, MobX, Preact, Qwik, RxJS, Solid,... - Source: / 9 months ago
At the very bottom of the image, there are 3 blocks that I chose to call application components. If you are building a cross-framework library, these can be built with whatever tools you want! Only catch is, all the tools you use to build it, will be needed by everyone consuming it. So choose wisely, and be mindful of how many kilobytes of third party code you will need in order to ship. In Schedule-X, I chose to... - Source: / about 1 year ago
>> React is not traditionally used for making games, but that's part of the fun and the challenge. R > MS Flight Simulator cockpits are built with MSFS Avionics Framework which is React-like and MIT licensed: Million.js is faster than preact, and lists a number of references under Acknowledgements: ... - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
DEV is a Rails monolith, which uses Preact in the front-end using islands architecture. The reason why I mention all this is that it's not a full-stack JavaScript application, and there is no state management library like Redux or Zustand in use. The data store, for the most part on the front end, is all data attributes. - Source: / about 1 year ago
Along the way, I not only got the oppurtunity to revise old concepts that had blurred in my memory, but also learnt about new technologies like Fresh.js, a framework from Deno (a js runtime engine) that uses Preact, a React Routing library and used Chakra UI for the first time. - Source: / about 1 year ago
I've thought about this a lot while using other frameworks like Deno Fresh which uses Preact under the hood, mainly for JSX templating, but also for islands functionality. Within that framework you can't really use React component libraries. You start to think more about generating static HTML like this example from the Deno blog [A Whole Website in a Single JavaScript File,... - Source: / over 1 year ago
A truly reactive Preact [1] is merely 3 kb of JS. OTOH the need for really simple bits of interactivity does occur in real life. If the htmx [2] approach does not cu it, a micro-library like this could. [1]: [2]: - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
Is Preact in that general vein? I've never used it, I only know it's "lightweight React.". Source: over 1 year ago
I would suggest putting that’s it’s a streamlit alternative in the front page with benefits over streamlit as front and center. Basically take a look at the preact homepage and how they are doing it. Source: over 1 year ago
If it's just a component library, you just need to use a tiny library that cat target the web component standard such as Preact or Lit (both libraries weight around 3kb). Web components can be used somewhat easily in any framework. Here's an example. Source: over 1 year ago
In this article, we're going to use Preact as our JSX library to render components, and we'll build a table rendering component that will infer and typecheck its props based on whatever data we give it. - Source: / almost 2 years ago
On the other hand, if your app does need to update live but you want to keep things a bit closer to the metal than React, I highly recommend Mithril. It is a great everything-you-need-nothing-you-don't framework with a similar design philosophy to React but a much smaller and easier to learn API. I think Preact falls into a similar category though I have not used it personally. Source: almost 2 years ago
One of the key features of this starter template is its use of Preact, a lightweight and fast alternative to React that can help improve the performance of your application. Additionally, the template is configured to use TypeScript, a popular typed superset of JavaScript that can help catch errors early and improve the overall quality of your code. - Source: / almost 2 years ago
I’ll give you a simple example out of many. You may know about Preact, it uses exactly the same API as React while greatly improving performance AND reducing the core bundle size by about half on average. Source: almost 2 years ago
Bloated? Is it the filesize? Try Preact. Source: almost 2 years ago
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