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#Work Marketplace #Freelance Marketplace #Marketplace 13 social mentions
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If I could speak to myself 3-4 years ago, however, I would urge that version of myself to practice a lot more leetcode. Although it was very rare for a company to ask leetcode-style questions at that time in my experience, the few times it happened, I was absolutely not ready. From experience, I know there are a lot of terrible companies to work for as a software developer, and the best companies in my experience do tend to ask leetcode questions. It's an investment, but most of the https://designgurus.org/ courses are helpful here. (You don't need the high level design courses for junior interviews.) And besides being good for interviews, it's pretty good practice for the granular skills of being a developer, beyond just learning shiny technologies.
#Education #Online Learning #Coding 36 social mentions