The top apps in the world rely on Instabug for beta testing, user engagement and crash reporting.
Seriously awesome bug reporting for iOS apps
Cloud logging for your apps, not only crashes matter
Exception, uptime, and performance monitoring for Ruby.
The coolest cloud based error management system for .NET web applications. Based on the de-facto standard error component ELMAH, logging errors from your webserver have never been this easy. Full-text search, notifications, API and much more.
Extensible mobile app debugging for iOS and Android
Apache SkyWalking is an open-source application performance monitoring solution that provides tracking, metrics analysis, service mesh observability, alarm, and visualization.
All-in-one monitoring for Ruby on Rails applications. Track performances & errors for requests & background jobs.
Mobile Debugging Tools
Plasma Firewall is an open-source control panel with which you can manage your system firewall.
Bandwhich is a command line application for tracking internet data and interface usage
Don't let your users walk away in frustration.
Bug-tracking solution for Node.js applications.
Backup your websites and then sync to them locally for up-to-date development environments. Capture logs and scan your site for health issues.
Dynamically instrument Live Applications from your IDE