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Sinatra inspired web development framework for node.js -- insanely fast, flexible, and simple.

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Features & Specs

  1. Fast Setup

    ExpressJS provides a minimal and flexible framework that allows rapid setup and development of web and mobile applications.

  2. Middleware Support

    ExpressJS has a robust middleware system, allowing developers to add reusable functions to the request-handling pipeline.

  3. Extensibility

    ExpressJS is highly extensible through third-party libraries and built-in functionality, catering to the needs of various applications.

  4. Performance

    Due to its minimalist core, ExpressJS provides efficient performance and is capable of handling a high number of requests per second.

  5. Community and Ecosystem

    A large and active community provides extensive documentation, support, and a wide array of open-source packages to extend functionality.

  6. Flexibility

    Compared to full-stack frameworks, ExpressJS gives developers the freedom to structure their applications as they see fit.

  7. Compatibility

    ExpressJS works seamlessly with various template engines, databases, and other frameworks, making it versatile for different project requirements.

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about ExpressJS and what they use it for.
  • CRUD with ExpressJS and MongoDB (Typescript)
    Step 2: Install the necessary dependencies which are morgan, ExpressJS, Mongoose cors and nodemon. - Source: / 11 days ago
  • Introduction to Hono : Advantages, Disadvantages & FAQs
    While inspired by Express.js, Hono.js offers a similar API but emphasizes superior performance and a reduced resource footprint. - Source: / 13 days ago
  • A Simple Approach to SSR with React 19 and esbuild
    This is a simple application using Express static and middleware approach to serve static files, handle server routes, and route using react-router-dom. - Source: / 16 days ago
  • 🔥How to fetch HTML from server
    To do this, let's create an API route, through which we will receive HTML from the server. For the backend part, we will use Node.js. The framework on which we will do this is Express.js. It is one of the most popular today and it is perfect for the task we are solving. First, we specify the controller that will process the HTML:. - Source: / 28 days ago
  • Feature Flags with Express.js and GrowthBook
    This guide walks through how to add GrowthBook feature flags to an Express.js application. It assumes you are starting from scratch, so if you already have an Express.js application, you can skip to step 2. - Source: / about 1 month ago
  • Fast and Simple NestJS App Deployment on Vercel
    This guide is beneficial if you're using Express adapter. For NestJS applications utilizing the Fastify adapter, these links may be helpful:. - Source: / about 1 month ago
  • Contributing to expressjs
    First step: understanding what I'm working with. is the official documentation site for express, one of the most popular web frameworks for Node.js. While this was quick to grasp from their beautifully designed website, the journey was just beginning. - Source: / about 2 months ago
  • How to build a blog with NodeJS
    We'll start by initializing a Node project inside a chosen folder (nodejs-blog for me) with and installing a couple of dependencies that I feel like will make our lives easier, like Express, EJS, Marked, the good ol' body-parser and gray-matter. - Source: / 2 months ago
  • Building Tetris using WebSocket and Svelte Stores
    uWebSockets is web server written in C++. In our case we'll be using uWebSockets.js which has bindings to NodeJS. It can be used as a usual web server but the main feature is its WebSocket server. It is 10x faster than Socket.IO and 8.5x faster than Fastify. I have to say I haven't benchmarked it myself. I decided to use uWebSockets just because it feels more pure to my taste. For example it doesn't require... - Source: / 7 months ago
  • The main steps I follow when kicking off Node.js projects
    Express.js is excellent for small projects or prototypes, which will be replaced later. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Release Radar · September 2024: Major updates from the open source community
    More frameworks! This one is for Node.js applications, and is designed to be minimalist. There are tonnes of changes to the latest version of Express, including new document beta releases expectations, a new threat model, added CodeQL (SAST), support for Node 22, and lots more. Check out all the changes, as well as new contributors, in the Express release notes. - Source: / 3 months ago
  • Introduction to - Building a Serverless API Easily
    Express.js is certainly a library that any JavaScript/Node.js developer knows. It helps us build a REST API server quickly. Besides, there are many libraries and middleware created to be compatible and easily integrated into projects using express.js, making it increasingly popular and well-known. - Source: / 4 months ago
  • Encapsulating the Past: How We Tamed a Legacy System with Timeless Software Engineering Principles
    It’s like Express, but more fleshed out with built-in features that developers from languages like Java or C# will recognize, such as a modular architecture, middleware, and tools for request interception and validation. - Source: / 4 months ago
  • How to make your Express.js APIs 9x faster with Encore.ts
    Encore.ts is Open Source backend framework for TypeScript. This guide walks you through how to migrate an Express.js app to Encore.ts to gain type-safe APIs and 9x performance boost. - Source: / 4 months ago
  • Introducing Perseid: The Product-oriented JS framework
    It's also worth mentioning that Perseid provides out-of-the-box support for React, VueJS, Svelte, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Express and Fastify. - Source: / 4 months ago
  • Day 0 of #100daysofMiva || Setting up for success
    Next, I selected the technologies and frameworks I want to focus on during this challenge. For frontend development, I'll be exploring Reactjs, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Next.js, and MUI. For backend development, I'll be diving into Express, Django, Node.js, PHP, and Firebase. Additionally, I'll be learning Kotlin, React Native, and Flutter for mobile development, and APIs, PostgreSQL, Cloud, and MongoDB for full stack... - Source: / 5 months ago
  • Webpack Performance Tuning: Minimizing Build Times for Large Projects
    The platform consists of an Express.js backend and a React frontend, each requiring a separate build process. Furthermore, we adhere to the Adaptive design philosophy, meaning we create distinct builds for mobile and desktop, to minimize the bundle size. - Source: / 6 months ago
  • A Step By Step Guide to Updating Your Legacy Node.js App in 2024 (v10 to v22)
    Crawly's main dependencies are express@4.13.3, mongodb@3.6.3, jade@1.11.0 (templating), passport@0.3.2, and request@2.67.0. It also included mocha and phantomjs for testing. - Source: / 6 months ago
  • How to make “Input validation” easy for your devs
    As an example, let’s assume we are using Node.JS and Express framework for our backend. We can implement this middleware which uses the Joi validation library under the hood. The middleware can look something like:. - Source: / 6 months ago
  • Understanding AML/KYC: a light primer for engineers
    APIs are often the key to enabling interoperability between AML/KYC solutions and other systems. Design APIs following RESTful principles—using libraries like ExpressJs (JavaScript), Flask (Python), or Actix Web (Rust)—ensuring they are stateless and support the JSON/XML formats expected by most systems. Use Swagger to generate detailed documentation for RESTful APIs to facilitate integration and ensure your APIs... - Source: / 6 months ago
  • Mastering Node.js
    Express.js is by far the most popular framework. - Source: / 6 months ago

External sources with reviews and comparisons of ExpressJS

Top JavaScript Frameworks in 2025
Express.JS is used to create Restful APIs, which is useful for accepting requests from the front end and sending the appropriate response. Express.JS supports Node.js, which is one of the best reasons developers choose to use it. Moreover, debugging becomes faster and helps in finding errors in less time.
The 20 Best Laravel Alternatives for Web Development
Express.js — or Express for the cool cats — is Node.js’s minimalist wingman. It’s the train tracks for your web app, setting the path, defining the stops, but letting you drive the engine.
Top 9 best Frameworks for web development
The best frameworks for web development include React, Angular, Vue.js, Django, Spring, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Flask and Express.js. Each of these frameworks has its own advantages and distinctive features, so it is important to choose the framework that best suits the needs of your project.
9 Best JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2023
Additionally, Express.js v4 now comes with built-in middleware for handling AJAX requests from the client side, making it even easier to get started without having to worry about 3rd party libraries. Express.js is a great tool for quickly building out web applications and APIs in Node.js.
JavaScript: What Are The Most Used Frameworks For This Language?
Express.JS is a popular open-source web application framework for Node.JS, which is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment. Express.JS provides a simple, flexible and scalable way to build web applications and APIs using Node.JS. It is known for its minimalist and unimposing approach, which means it provides a basic set of features and tools but allows developers to extend and customize it according to the...
20 Best JavaScript Frameworks For 2023
TJ Holowaychuk built Express in 2010 before being acquired by IBM (StrongLoop) in 2015. Node.js Foundation currently maintains it. The key reason Express is one of the best JavaScript frameworks is its rapid server-side coding. Complex tasks that would take hours to code using pure Node.js can be resolved in a few minutes, thanks to Express. On top of that, Express offers a robust routing mechanism for handling...
Top 10 Best Node. Js Frameworks to Improve Web Development
Keystone.js is an open-source system and also a full-stack program. It is built in Express.js including MongoDB, and this marvelous composition is used for building applications that are database-driven, along with websites, including APIs. For a substantial period, of course, developers were depending on the Keystone.js method as disclosed in a partner because of its flexible, extensible, and lightweight attributes.
Top 10 Phoenix Framework Alternatives
Moving over the Node.js environment, ExpressJS is a minimal, flexible, and one of the most popular frameworks used to develop a wide range of web apps with robust functionality.
Top Node.js Frameworks To Use In 2021
Express.js, sometimes known as Express, tops one of the greatest node js frameworks. It features a minimalist web framework and seems to be an architectural code classic and basic framework. The de facto Node.js standard under the MIT licence was officially announced in 2010.
Top 14 Node.JS Frameworks: Which Will Rule in 2020?
Nest utilizes Express.JS and provides an unusual app architecture that allows for the easy development of easily maintainable, loosely paired and highly scalable and testable apps. Developers can use Nest CLI for developing NestJS apps with different features.
Best backend technologies to use in 2019
Express.js is a server-side and mobile API application framework for Node.js. It’s also one of the most supported Node.js frameworks. It has an open-source community, so the code is always evaluated and updated. Express.js together with Node.js can be used for developing APIs for single-page, multi-page, hybrid mobile, and web apps.
Forget Express.js — opt for these alternatives instead
Express.js became so popular that it’s almost ubiquitously associated with Node.js — much like when we read about the language Ruby, we’re already conjuring up thoughts of the framework Rails. In fact, Express.js and Node.js are members of the popular MEAN and MERN stack acronyms.

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  1. User avatar
    · 6 months ago
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    One of the best NodeJS framework we had used for most of our product.

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