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Szurubooru might be a bit more popular than Hydrus. We know about 13 links to it since March 2021 and only 9 links to Hydrus. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
This may be useful: Source: over 2 years ago
Hydrus? It's not quite true "self-hosted" (more of a standalone program with the ability to be configured to accept external api requests) but with the api and external programs set to interface with it, you can sort of set it up that way. Source: over 2 years ago
If you want a concrete recommendation, all I can say without knowing exactly what you're doing is: you should at the very least consider solutions other than editing the file. This could mean sidecar files (e.g. info.txt), containers with metadata (e.g. warc), database applications (e.g. hydrus, even though it's a mess), etc. Source: about 3 years ago
Hydrus ( Not necessarily self-hosted but it does have a docker image, and I think there's ways to turn it into a self-hosted solution ( comes to mind). Source: over 3 years ago
Hey Data Curators, I need your advice! I've been using Google Photos to 'organise' my picture library for the past few years, but now I'd like to replace it. For many obvious reasons. What I need is something that I can host myself (like piwigo or lychee), with decent mobile support and reliable auto upload from android. As well as that I really fancy some kind of tag-based file management system on top of that,... Source: over 3 years ago
I've been accumulating art and pictures downloaded from the internet, what's a good way to store and tag them with the original artist and source? Maybe a simple solution would be just adding appropriate EXIF data to the files? This approach would still require a good folder structure to make sense of. Another option I came across was, but after trying it, the... - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
Also agree with hydrus network. Im at 18million items. next best thing is probably something like a selfhosted booru server so that you can remotely organize files during your downtime on the toilet or jury duty. Source: over 1 year ago
I'm your savior, together with Source: over 1 year ago
I am trying to code a script that will help me post data to the [szurubooru]( image board instance. And the plan is convert this into an iOS/macOS Shortcut so I can upload files. Source: almost 2 years ago
On unraid postgres is used by szurubooru, mealie, and grafana. I don't know specifically what but I know redis is also used by one of the apps in the cloud group as well. Source: about 2 years ago
Danbooru - Danbooru is an advanced, tag-based image board system that is based on Ruby On Rails. - is an anime-focused imageboard, or "booru", that utilizes a comprehensive tag...
TagSpaces - TagSpaces is an open source platform for personal data management. With TagSpaces you can manage and organize the files on your laptop, tablet or smart phone.
Konachan - Imageboard dedicated to anime, manga, and Japanese games wallpapers / backgrounds.
TMSU - TMSU is a tool for tagging your files.
Gelbooru - Millions of FREE hentai and anime videos, images, wallpapers, and more! No account needed, updated constantly!