Based on our record, GeekUninstaller seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 59 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Get and unzip Geek Uninstaller, right-click geek.exe > run as admin. Look for it there, then select View > Microsoft Store apps and look for it there. You checked both startup folders? Run: Shell:startup Shell:common startup. Source: over 1 year ago
Geek uninstaller (Removes leftover files from apps you uninstall, to keep your PC running faster over time): Source: over 1 year ago
Believe it or not, REinstall the MEGAsync application, then right-click the MEGA folder in the navigation pane and remove it. If you can't remove it like that, open the MEGAsync settings > Advanced tab > check the 'Don't show icons in the left pane of Windows Explorer' box. Once the entry in the navigation pane is gone, download Geek Uninstaller, unzip it, right-click geek.exe and run as administrator,... Source: over 1 year ago
There's an app called "geek uninstaller". It can handle stuff like this. Source: over 1 year ago
I have owned one of these since they first came out years ago and it has proven to be extremely reliable even though they can be picky with the wrong/older drivers. Make sure to completely remove the old drivers first by using an uninstall tool such as the FREE Geek Uninstaller - Source: over 1 year ago
Revo Uninstaller - Free fully functional download of Revo Uninstaller Pro and Revo Uninstaller Freeware.
Bulk Crap Uninstaller - Free and open source program uninstaller. Can remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly.
Total Uninstall - Total Uninstall is an uninstaller program that replaces standard Windows Add Remove Programs.
Uninstall Tool - Make your Computer Work Faster Now by using Uninstall Tool!
IObit Uninstaller - For its simplicity and easiness, IObit Uninstaller is called to be one of the best software available over the internet that allows the Windows users to quickly and easily uninstall the all of the stubborn programs and their leftovers from the regis…
AppCleaner - AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps. Installing an application distributes many files throughout your System using space of your Hard Drive unnecessarily.