Based on our record, Handlebars seems to be a lot more popular than Jinja2. While we know about 62 links to Handlebars, we've tracked only 4 mentions of Jinja2. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
In this variable, we have the response from the Ghost instance as the full HTML of the page. Imagine that this response is the homepage of your Ghost instance. The HTML content will also include our plain text {{hello_world}}, which is displayed as plain text. If our custom helper is in this form, we can compile it using Handlebars.js ( in our middleware. Remember to install the library... - Source: / 2 days ago
It is a novel experience to say the least for me. I mean yes I have been using Handlebars, pug, and other templating engines but this is novel in how it changed my perspective about HTML (Just read their motivation in - Source: / 3 months ago
It’s strongly recommended that you use a templating engine for rendering your views in Oats~i. My preferred choice is handlebars. (Learn more about handlebars). - Source: / 5 months ago
Besides the installation located at, the next step with using Ghost CMS, would be to create or use a theme. This has a learning curve to it if creating a new theme. Ghost themes are written using Handlebars, another templating language to learn if you have not already done so. Most of the existing themes I have looked at also use gulp to concatenate the CSS files. Ghost has some... - Source: / 7 months ago
If you have a bit of Nodejs SSR background, you would already be accustomed to templating libraries like Pug, Handlebars, EJS, etc. If you’re from a PHP background you would be familiar with the Blade templating engine. These templating libraries basically help you render dynamic data from the backend on the frontend. They also help you generate markup with loops based on conditions. - Source: / 10 months ago
I have a list say list[a][b] of length 10.I want to print from list[0][b] to list[10][b] and use it in jinja2 template. Source: almost 3 years ago
I am using Flask with Jinja2 as templating language. Source: almost 3 years ago
I'm trying to issue a POST request within a Jinja template in Flask. However, parameters are passed in via GET by default, and this particular method only accepts POST requests. Source: almost 3 years ago
For our application above, we defined the string "My flask app" within our Python code. This was okay, as it was a single line, but as our front-end code grows, it will be cumbersome to define everything in our Python file. Flask allows for separation of concerns though so-called "templates." These are usually .html files, with some Python logic mixed in through the Jinja template engine language. Let's add a... - Source: / over 3 years ago
EJS - An open source JavaScript Template library.
Pug - Pug is a robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js
jquery-template - A template plugin for jQuery. Allows templating without cluttering JavaScript code with markup.
Mustache.js - Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript - janl/mustache.js
NANO – jQuery Template Engine - NANO is a simple and open-source jQuery Template Engine developed by and released under the MIT License.
Nunjucks - Nunjucks offers node templates with inheritance, asynchronous control.