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Try not to depend so much on guides, read the game guide at to get a grasp on game mechanics and try to figure out what works and what doesn't. Source: over 3 years ago
Titan Quest - Titan Quest Anniversary Edition Titan Quest is back! Nordic Games (now: THQ Nordic) acquired Titan Quest in 2013 from THQ and started to work on bringing back the multiplayer and improving the game further.
Path of Exile - Path of Exile is a free to play online action roleplaying game that draws clear inspiration from Diablo but charts a path all its own.
Warhammer: Chaosbane - In a world ravaged by war and dominated by magic, you are the last hope for the Empire of Man against the Chaos hordes. Playing solo or with up to 4 in local or online co-op, choose a hero from 4 character classes.
Diablo - Diablo III is an action role-playing game that takes place throughout the dark fantasy world of...
Sacred - A shadow of evil has fallen on the kingdom of Ancaria.
Inquisitor - Martyr - Warhammer 40,000 Inquisitor – Martyr places the Inquisitors of the grim future into an Action-RPG and pits them against heretics, mutants, treacherous xenos and the daemons ...