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After 110 question from, it shows I need "Contributor" access. Members who took the exam did you have to purchase the Contributor access or did you get questions only from 110 out 232 question available in ? Source: over 1 year ago
Completing PSM 1 questions on but am stuck between two answer choices. Source: over 1 year ago
Some say to use The questions are just about exactly the same, but the answer they say is correct is 50/50. Use those questions then look up the correct answers. Source: over 1 year ago
I just took up a free trial to check out the practice exams. Compared to and Bryan's are out of this world. Well written questions, excellent UI, and feedback at the end is very detailed. 100% recomend. Source: over 1 year ago
Also, can I pass by only doing practice questions such as the Landini ones in his book and the questions without studying the Joseph Philips course? Source: over 1 year ago
Thank you! I was going to go on YouTube and watch PBQ examples and I was also recommended by someone on reddit and it seems to be better. Source: almost 2 years ago
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