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DWSIM - DWSIM is an open-source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator for Windows and Linux.
SMath Studio - Tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.
COCO Simulator - COCO (CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN) is a free-of-charge CAPE-OPEN compliant steady-state simulation...
CHEMCAD - We equip chemical engineers with integrated and intuitive process simulation software to tackle projects large and small. Discover how CHEMCAD can help you design, analyze and measure simple and complex processes like never before.
MATLAB - A high-level language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming
ANSYS Fluent - ANSYS engineering simulation and 3D design software delivers product modeling solutions with unmatched scalability and a comprehensive multiphysics foundation.