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Encrypto VS VeraCrypt

Compare Encrypto VS VeraCrypt and see what are their differences

Encrypto logo Encrypto

Encrypto lets you encrypt files before sending them to friends or coworkers.

VeraCrypt logo VeraCrypt

VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.
  • Encrypto Landing page
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  • VeraCrypt Landing page
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Encrypto features and specs

  • User-Friendly Interface
    Encrypto features an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible even for users who are not technically savvy.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
    The application is available for both macOS and Windows, allowing you to share encrypted files between different operating systems seamlessly.
  • AES-256 Encryption
    Encrypto utilizes AES-256 encryption, which is one of the most secure encryption standards currently available, ensuring that your files are well-protected.
  • Free to Use
    Encrypto is free to download and use, providing robust encryption capabilities without any cost.
  • Integration with Finder
    For macOS users, Encrypto integrates smoothly with Finder, allowing you to encrypt files directly from the Finder interface.

Possible disadvantages of Encrypto

  • Limited Functionality
    While Encrypto is great for securely sharing files, it lacks additional features such as the ability to encrypt entire folders or perform batch encryption.
  • No Mobile Support
    Encrypto is only available for macOS and Windows, with no current version for mobile platforms like iOS or Android.
  • No Cloud Storage Integration
    Unlike some other encryption tools, Encrypto does not offer direct integration with popular cloud storage services, requiring manual uploads.
  • Password Management
    The software requires manual password sharing with the recipient, which can be less convenient and potentially less secure compared to automated key exchange mechanisms.
  • No Advanced Encryption Options
    Encrypto does not offer advanced encryption options or customization, limiting its appeal to those who require more control over their encryption settings.

VeraCrypt features and specs

  • Open Source
    VeraCrypt is open source, meaning its source code is publicly available. This allows for transparency, community review, and auditing by security experts.
  • Strong Encryption
    VeraCrypt supports a variety of strong encryption algorithms such as AES, Serpent, and Twofish, providing robust protection for your data.
  • Cross-Platform
    VeraCrypt is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring compatibility across different desktop environments.
  • Hidden Volumes
    VeraCrypt allows the creation of hidden volumes within an encrypted container, providing an additional layer of plausible deniability.
  • No Backdoors
    As an open-source project, VeraCrypt has no hidden backdoors, ensuring that no unauthorized parties can access your encrypted data.

Possible disadvantages of VeraCrypt

  • Performance Overhead
    Encrypting and decrypting data on-the-fly can introduce performance overhead, potentially slowing down system performance, especially on less powerful hardware.
  • Complexity
    VeraCrypt's advanced features and settings can be overwhelming for novice users, requiring a certain level of technical knowledge to use effectively.
  • Lack of Cloud Integration
    VeraCrypt does not offer built-in cloud storage integration, making it less convenient for users who rely on cloud services for data storage.
  • Limited Support
    Being an open-source project, VeraCrypt's support is limited to community forums and documentation, lacking the professional support options available with commercial encryption solutions.
  • No Mobile App
    VeraCrypt does not have a dedicated mobile application, limiting its usability to desktop and laptop environments.

Encrypto videos

Free file encryption/decryption program for Mac/windows: Encrypto Review

More videos:

  • Review - Quick & Easy Encryption - Encrypto
  • Review - Franck Muller Encrypto - First Luxury Watch to Store Bitcoin!

VeraCrypt videos

The Complete VeraCrypt Encryption Tutorial

More videos:

  • Review - Veracrypt Get Started Guide: Encryption Made Easy
  • Review - FLOSS Weekly 340: VeraCrypt

Category Popularity

0-100% (relative to Encrypto and VeraCrypt)
Security & Privacy
20 20%
80% 80
File Encryption
27 27%
73% 73
18 18%
82% 82
Cloud Storage
100 100%
0% 0

User comments

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These are some of the external sources and on-site user reviews we've used to compare Encrypto and VeraCrypt

Encrypto Reviews

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VeraCrypt Reviews

6 TrueCrypt Alternatives for Reliable Data Encryption
VeraCrypt owners built the tool from an earlier TrueCrypt fork, but more recent releases broke with the TrueCrypt volume format, which means the encryption software cannot open existing TrueCrypt encrypted files. Built with the same features and interface as TrueCrypt—which significantly reduces onboarding time—the software was improved with increased iterations per...
Best encryption software of 2020 : Free, paid and business tools and services
Best encryption software tools(Image credit: Folder Lock)1. Folder LockVISIT WEBSITEFree to download basic versionEffective personal encryptionMainly mobile oriented(Image credit: AxCrypt)2. AxCryptVISIT WEBSITEStrong encryption for personal useFree version availableMainly mobile-oriented(Image credit: CryptoExpert)3. CryptoExpertVISIT WEBSITEUses multiple encryption...
Best Disk Encryption Software – the 5 top tools to secure your data
VeraCrypt is a fork of TrueCrypt and is widely considered its successor. It performs all of the same functions as TrueCrypt and then some. VeraCrypt adds security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption. These improvements make it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks, according to developers. You can find a full list of improvements and...
5 Best TrueCrypt Alternatives - Open source encryption apps
A notable feature of VeraCrypt is that any file, for example, an innocent-looking photo file, can be used as the container for a VeraCrypt volume. Even more notable is its hidden volume feature which provides plausible deniability. It does this by hiding an encrypted volume inside another VeraCrypt volume in such a way that, if the correct precautions are taken, it is...

Social recommendations and mentions

Based on our record, Encrypto seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 5 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.

Encrypto mentions (5)

  • Que es lo peor que les dijo su ex mientras terminaban?
    Encrypto app para encriptar (windows/mac) Source: over 1 year ago
  • Other than self hosting, what is the best privacy based and secure alternative to Google Photos?
    Https:// - its just for single files or archives. Source: over 1 year ago
  • Is the encrypto app private & secure
    I'm talking about this: Source: over 2 years ago
  • Looking for ways to compress/encrypt files which will be tedious (but possible) to access again
    For Outside a compression app you can use Encrypto it has a clean UI and it is cross platform. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Encrypto alternative
    Can anyone tell me any encrypto alternative for linux. App link- Source: over 3 years ago

VeraCrypt mentions (0)

We have not tracked any mentions of VeraCrypt yet. Tracking of VeraCrypt recommendations started around Mar 2021.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing Encrypto and VeraCrypt, you can also consider the following products

Cryptomator - When it comes to saving your files on a cloud server, it is important to ensure the security of those files. Keeping your delicate files out of the wrong hands can save you a lot of time and hassle. Read more about Cryptomator.

AES Crypt - AES Crypt is an advanced file encryption utility that integrates with the Windows shell or runs from the Linux command prompt to provide a simple, yet powerful, tool for encrypting files using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Microsoft BitLocker - BitLocker is a full disk encryption feature included with Windows Vista and later.

Axcrypt - AxCrypt - Password Protect Files With Strong Encryption. AxCrypt is the leading open source file encryption software for Windows.

File Lock PEA - Password-encryption of files and directories. File PEA encrypts files and folders with authenticated encryption to protect confidentiality and integrity. The program uses memory-hard key derivation functions to prevent custom hardware attacks.

Windows BitLocker - This topic provides a high-level overview of BitLocker, including a list of system requirements, practical applications, and deprecated features.