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Based on our record, Eat This Much seems to be a lot more popular than Strongr Fastr. While we know about 49 links to Eat This Much, we've tracked only 1 mention of Strongr Fastr. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
If you do just want to dive into something, then I would suggest starting with a calorie target of 10-12 calories per current lb of bodyweight. So, if you weigh 170 lbs for example, your calorie budget would fall between 1700-2040 calories. It is always best to start at the higher end, then adjust based on 2 weeks of consistency with it. I would recommend aiming for 0.7+ grams of protein per lb of body weight, and... Source: over 1 year ago
PS: you asked the other poster about recipe sites. If I look for inspiration I love Because I can enter a calorie target, what I like and dont like, and it will show me ideas. Only use it for single meals though, planning whole weeks I find a bit teadious, but if that gets you rolling go for it :D. Source: over 1 year ago
I use to figure out what my intake should be and then plug that into to help me figure out foods to eat. Unfortunately, there is no option to take away acid reflux meals or meals with dairy, but if you make your meals, it's easy to not add those things (ex. It may say eat a breakfast omelet with the works, but I'll make an egg white omelet with non-triggering veggies and no... Source: over 1 year ago
You can then see the amount of calories you need per day to maintain/bulk/cut weight. For the calories and what to eat. You can use You just put the amount of calories and how many meals per day you have and it will generate a day for you. lunch, dinner, snacks. Etc For this to properly work, you will have to start counting calories... Use myfitnesspal, loseit, chronometer, etc as apps to log in... Source: over 1 year ago people use it for dieting but it has recipes for all kinds of foods- healthy or not and it can meal plan for you. You put in the amount of calories you want and how many meals you want it to be in and it picks out food for you. But you can also just browse through the recipes too. Source: over 1 year ago
So find out how much you are supposed to be eating. You can use an online tool like (which I use, most calculators aren't that inclusive so you'll need to use your agab) or (keep in mind these are the 'maintain' amounts, you'll need to take that number and either cut around 500 to get leaner or add 500-700 for those who -do- want to... Source: almost 4 years ago
MyFitnessPal - Track the number of calories that you consume each day with MyFitnessPal. The app also lets you create a diet and track the exercise that you complete each day whether it's walking, running or some other type of program.
Freeletics - Freeletics Bodyweight is the most effective fitness training program, adapted to your schedule...
LifeSum - Set a weight goal and we'll tell you how to reach it!
Cron-O-Meter - A big trend in today’s world is health and fitness, particularly in recording nutritional information. There are several options available to achieve this result.
Macros - Macros – Calorie Counter and Meal Planner created and published by JosmanTek for Android and iOS devices.
Gyroscope - Gyroscope is a personalized dashboard for tracking your life.