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Based on our record, Let's Encrypt seems to be a lot more popular than Digicert. While we know about 331 links to Let's Encrypt, we've tracked only 1 mention of Digicert. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
To add to what others have said while trying and failing to be technical about it. This is normal. The web browser is saying this because it has no way to tell if the site you are trying to go to is the real site or has been faked in some way. So this warning just means you need to make sure on your own that what you are connecting to is what you think you are connecting to. When going to a site out on the... Source: almost 2 years ago
SSL is a table stakes feature. It has been for a long, long time. With today’s tooling, it’s easy to automate, and one need look no further than Let’s Encrypt to find a free certificate authority. And any HTTP-based app must support TLS/SSL in order to gain acceptance. Unencrypted HTTP is just for testing. - Source: / 1 day ago
This felt like the ultimate test. I discovered Certbot, an open-source tool for setting up Let's Encrypt certificates, and dived into its documentation. After configuring Certbot, the application crashed entirely. My first thought was to wait 24 hours for the DNS to propagate, but the next day, the domain was still unresponsive. Debugging this issue without GUI tools was grueling. Docker logs were empty, PM2... - Source: / 4 days ago
Website doesn't support SSL? Have you looked into Lets Encrypt? - Source: Hacker News / 17 days ago
If you haven't switched yet, it's time. You can use Let's Encrypt to get a free SSL certificate or you can proxy your site through Cloudflare to get HTTPS handled for you. - Source: / 22 days ago
Cert manager: You'll need the Let's Encrypt certificate manager installed and configured to provide secrets for TLS configurations. - Source: / 29 days ago
COMODO SSL - Buy your Comodo SSL certificates directly from the No.1 Certificate Authority powered by Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA). Fast service with 24/7 support. Over 20 years of SSL Certificate Authority!
OpenSSL - OpenSSL is a free and open source software cryptography library that implements both the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, which are primarily used to provide secure communications between web browsers and …
SSL For Free - Free SSL Certificate issued in less than a minute.
AWS Certificate Manager - AWS Certificate Manager from Amazon Web Services (AWS)
GlobalSign - GlobalSign offers a range of SSL Certificates with the strongest 2048 bit encryption and value add features to ensure your website is protected.
Ensighten - Ensighten provides enterprise tag management solutions that enable businesses manage their websites more effectively.