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Based on our record, Type Fu seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 8 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Suggest you leave a message via the Support section of Tyoe Fu webpage with description of this peculiar behaviour 😳. Source: almost 2 years ago
What really forced me to learn is when I got a keyboard with blank keycaps. But short of that, I found it pretty effective to do some typing practice where the text is computer code. See e.g. Type-Fu and in the "Lesson" drop down select "Code.". Source: over 2 years ago
So it's helpful to do some targeted touch typing exercises for symbols. I've found it useful, though boring, to exercise on text that is purely a random sequence of symbols. This at least forced me to remember which symbols are at which key positions. Alternatively you could practice on a sample of code. In Type Fu, you can practice on code samples by selecting "Code" in the "Lesson" drop down. Source: over 2 years ago
I used Type-fu when I finally decided to learn how to touch type properly. It worked just fine, it only took a few hours to learn how to place my hands correctly and finding the correct keys with my fingers. Source: about 3 years ago
Mavis Beacon is how I learned to touch type 25 years ago! For a great modern app with a lot of features check out The MacOS app is nice and it also works on the web and other platforms. - Source: Hacker News / over 3 years ago
TypingMaster - Learn touch-typing technique, and improve/increase typing accuracy and speed.
amphetype - Advanced typing practice program
Tach Typing Tutor - Tach Typing Tutor is an open-source advanced typing tutor for Windows that you can use to improve your typing speed, accuracy, and skills. - Improve your typing by practicing on classic books such as Alice in Wonderland, Frankenstein, and The Art of War -- or get a monthly subscription and import your own EPUB, PDF, and TXT files.
KeyBlaze Typing Tutor Software - KeyBlaze is an easy, fun and effective way to learn how to type or improve your typing skills.
Tux Typing - Tux Typing is a free and open source typing tutor created especially for children.