uberAgent is an innovative user experience monitoring and endpoint security analytics product for Windows and macOS. It does not just collect data – it gives you the information that matters.
Other monitoring products rely on the logs and counters built into the OS. uberAgent has its own metrics, covering key aspects of UX and security. Boot & logon duration, application unresponsiveness, network reliability, process startup, web app usage, and remoting protocol insights on the UX monitoring front. MS Office macros, LOLBAS, Sigma signatures, extensible ruleset, and uAQL query language on the endpoint security analytics side.
uberAgent tells you everything you need to know about physical PCs, virtual desktops, Apple macOS, Citrix, or VMware without affecting your systems’ user density. Whether it’s SBC, VDI, or RDS: uberAgent covers it all, in one single, light-weight agent.
uberAgent is optimized for Splunk but also works with Elastic, Azure Monitor, or Apache Kafka as backend.
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