LeetCode is the best platform to help people practice solving coding problems and prepare for technical interviews. The main users are software engineers. LeetCode has over 1,900 questions covering many different programming concepts.
Based on our record, LeetCode seems to be a lot more popular than CodinGame. While we know about 530 links to LeetCode, we've tracked only 45 mentions of CodinGame. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Are you sure, I got a link to a codingame.com assessment from block. Source: over 1 year ago
This, and OP should practice handling the stress. Find a friend to do interviews with, or give yourself a timer, or whatever. codingame.com is a good alternative if you want to try dealing with a timer and don't want to be able to cheat. Source: over 1 year ago
Just jumped to codingame.com and start (cant) solving puzzles. Source: over 1 year ago
Personally, I like codingame.com (completely free unless you are an employer) - Their simple puzzles are great places to get an idea of how programming works and the kinds of problems they solve. I think the first puzzle I was able to solve as a beginner in a few days. Source: almost 2 years ago
I believe it's possible to use rust in codingame.com. Is that ok for you? Source: almost 2 years ago
There are plenty of resources online that can be used to learn about these concepts. Some popular ones are Leetcode, Khan Academy, Youtube. - Source: dev.to / 19 days ago
LeetCode - Solve coding problems using these structures. - Source: dev.to / 25 days ago
Coding Interview Practice Platform: LeetCode (Freemium) LeetCode is one of the most popular platforms for practicing coding problems. Start from the easy questions LeetCode to brush up on coding basics, and gradually move on to the medium questions. It's going to be overwhelming at first even for the easy questions, but we'll usually start to be able to keep up. Spend 10-20 minutes a day for this. We'll see the... - Source: dev.to / 2 months ago
Practice Makes Perfect: Regularly solve coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode (https://leetcode.com/), HackerRank (https://www.hackerrank.com/), and Codewars (https://www.codewars.com/). These platforms provide a wealth of practice problems and help you familiarize yourself with different types of coding challenges. - Source: dev.to / 3 months ago
Project-based learning should, in my opinion, always take precedence. As that part is already covered, I don't find it counterproductive to go deeper into the language and improve my ability to write clean and tidy code. I'm not into the Data Structures and Algorithms part of my studies yet, so I haven't really explored LeetCode too much. I used to practice on Codewars but I always disliked its UI and found it a... - Source: dev.to / 4 months ago
HackerRank - HackerRank is a platform that allows companies to conduct interviews remotely to hire developers and for technical assessment purposes.
Codewars - Achieve code mastery through challenge.
CodeSignal - CodeSignal is the leading assessment platform for technical hiring.
Project Euler - Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will...
Codility - Codility provides a SaaS platform with advanced validation, security and protection features to evaluate the skills of software engineers.
CodeForces - Programming competitions and contests, programming community.