Designing websites with Webflow has been an absolute delight. Its visual interface makes the design process intuitive and efficient. The drag-and-drop functionality for elements is a real time-saver, and the real-time preview allows for instant feedback. Customizing designs to be responsive for different devices is a breeze. Webflow's ability to handle complex animations without code is impressive. All in all, Webflow has made website creation a smooth and enjoyable process. Definitely a game-changer for web design!
Based on our record, Webflow should be more popular than Cargo. It has been mentiond 133 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
I have a domain with a mail on (S) and a website on (C). Source: about 1 year ago
I had struggles adding my webmail to a mail service and according to my webhost that was because I had the NS-Records pointed to my external website-host (where I built my website: So I pointed the NS-Records back to the webhost and was told to point the domain to my site via A-Records (IP-adress) instead. Then I tried to ping my website to find out the IP adress and pointed my domains... Source: about 1 year ago
As u/purpleornavy commented, you can use to find out what technologies were used to create a website. It appears the website you linked is created with If you look on their wesite in the templates section, you can actually find a template that is pretty similar to the website you linked. Source: over 1 year ago
I like Cargo for this reason. Their templates are unique and much more intended for a “creatives” market. They offer discounts to students in the top design and art schools. My web developer professor this semester at Pratt talked a lot about this exact concept, though. He encouraged us to get creative and gave examples showing sites from the flash era. The websites a lot of people came up with in the class were... Source: over 1 year ago
Hey, loving your tool and have been using it a LOT recently. I'm a newbie to a lot of web management of DNS etc., so this might be an easy one: but when I look up my domain for example it doesn't find any CNAME records, why is that? It's a site so has to use their DNS Manager. Assuming that's why, but still wondered. Also, if you had... Source: almost 2 years ago
Being new to web design, you must have felt how overpowering the game of choice is. Two constant names popping up as popular choices are and Webflow. Which one should you choose? - Source: / 4 months ago
Webflow is a visual development platform that enables designers to create responsive websites without writing code. It provides a rich interface for building and customizing layouts, animations, and interactions, all while maintaining web standards. Webflow’s output is clean HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing for flexibility and control over the final product. - Source: / 5 months ago
You may use Wix, Webflow, WordPress, etc, to build your website and that's totally valid because they allow you to put it together much faster. And if you don't know what style to go for, they offer different templates that you can use. I'd suggest you build it from scratch using libraries like Bootstrap because it is much cheaper and also allows you to explore different technologies. The sky is the limit when it... - Source: / 11 months ago
Webflow - WYSIWYG website builder with animations and website hosting. Free for two projects. - Source: / 11 months ago
Oncе you havе dеfinеd your uniquе valuе proposition, it's timе to dеmonstratе your capabilitiеs and еstablish yoursеlf as an authority in your fiеld. Onе еffеctivе way to showcasе your еxpеrtisе is by crеating a portfolio wеbsitе. This wеbsitе should showcasе your bеst projеcts, highlighting your tеchnical skills and problеm-solving abilitiеs. Includе casе studiеs that dеmonstratе thе challеngеs you facеd and how... - Source: / about 1 year ago
Carrd - Simple, responsive one-page site creator.
WiX - Create a free website with Customize with Wix' website builder, no coding skills needed. Choose a design, begin customizing and be online today - lets you quickly build simple and visually elegant splash pages that points visitors to your content from around the web. Get started today.
WordPress - WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.
Crevado - Crevado makes it super-easy to create your online & mobile portfolio website.
SquareSpace - Squarespace is the easiest way for anyone to create an exceptional website. Pages, galleries, blogs, e-commerce, domains, hosting, analytics, 24/7 support - all included.