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Based on our record, Punto Switcher seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 2 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
This one used to be the most popular: I've never understood the reason behind it though, you're either touch typing and looking at the screen, or switching back and forth every couple of seconds to "re-synchronize" and look for typos. People I know haven't used it for more than a couple of weeks. - Source: Hacker News / about 1 year ago
It works for both Windows and Mac. It's currently distributed by Yandex: Source: over 3 years ago
Key Switcher - Key Switcher is monitoring the keystrokes and detects the language of each word that you type.
EveryLang - Translater, Check spelling, Keyboard layout switcher and Layout indicator, Clipboard manager, Diary, SmartClick, Text recognizing (OCR)
Normal Keyboard Switcher - This simple program is a replacement for standard Windows keyboard switcher, and suitable for switching more than two input languages.
dotSwitcher - Simple keyboard layout switcher. As lightweight as you can easily ensure it doesn't contain any spyware, even if you're not a programming guru.
MLSwitcher - MLSwitcher makes life easier for those of us who have to deal with multiple input languages or...
Aml Maple - Aml Maple is a new point of view at keyboard layout indicators: simple, modern, flexible.