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Based on our record, Turbo Studio seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 3 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Thinapp (paid, been out decade+), or Https:// (free) is another way. Source: over 3 years ago
Vmware thinapp, or can do it free. Source: almost 4 years ago
Consider using portable, virtualized apps. ThinApp from vmware, Turbo studio. Source: almost 4 years ago
Sandboxie - Sandboxie is a program for Windows that is designed to allow the user to isolate individual programs on the hard drive.
Enigma Virtual Box - Enigma Virtual Box is an advanced level of system protection system that is based on the system of sandboxing and virtualization.
VMware ThinApp - Speed up application deployment and migration with VMware ThinApp, an agentless application virtualization solution. Learn how it works.
BoxedApp Packer - BoxedApp Packer is a developer utility for converting your regular full-fledged applications to...
Shadow Defender - Shadow Defender is an easy-to-use PC/laptop security and privacy protection tool for Windows operating systems. DownloadShadow Defender is an easy-to-use PC/laptop security and .
Deep Freeze - DESCRIBING DEEPFREEZE SOFTWARE Deepfreeze, by Faronics, is an application that solves a unique problem that many companies have these days; it prevents an end user from making permanent changes to important system/administrative files.