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Based on our record, Biblehub seems to be a lot more popular than Blue Letter Bible. While we know about 136 links to Biblehub, we've tracked only 1 mention of Blue Letter Bible. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Bible Hub - Bible Hub is actually a centralized hub for accessing various study resources, including interlinear Bible translations, commentaries, and topical studies. It offers users a holistic approach to Bible study, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of the Scriptures through the integration of various scholarly perspectives and resources. Source: about 1 year ago
Look up some other translations on (other bible versions), as they have it worded in a much more understandable way. Jesus bless you. Source: over 1 year ago
Bible Hub is a good site (down at the moment) for searching for things in the bible. Source: over 1 year ago
Https:// is also wildly useful with commentaries, original languages, integrated Strong's content, and more. Source: over 1 year ago
• Commentaries? has compiled commentaries on every verse. And even though it gets things wrong, the scripture index on the JW website; It still has some good contributions from time to time. Source: over 1 year ago
Let me recommend the Book "Greek for the Rest of Us" by William Mounce (one of the ESV translators). It won't lead you to being able to flat read entire Greek texts, but it will enable you to use the tools available to get into the original Greek (I used this book when going through seminary for my MA-Theo degree). There are also video and audio files on the internet of Mounce going over Greek language tools at... Source: about 1 year ago
e-Sword - e-Sword is a feature rich and user friendly free Windows app with everything needed to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner!
The Bible Project - The Bible Project is different kind of Bible providing website that rather than focusing on the text based Bible offers its visitors the interactive videos for reading Bibles.
Olive Tree Bible Study - Olive Tree Bible Study is a Bible study application that is available for almost all mobile operating systems.
BibleGateway - BibleGateway is an application to enjoy the favorite web experience of BibleGateway from the smartphones.
Tecarta Bible - Tecarta Bible is a simple app through which you can learn and study the Bible right on your phone.
Bible by Olive Tree - Bible+, BibleReader or The Olive Tree Bible App is a fully featured Bible app.