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Based on our record, Banished seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 2 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Just getting in to Farthest Frontier which is superficially like Banished but there's more and they're creating content. Source: almost 2 years ago
What about Banished? Absolutely fantastic game and developed by just one person. Source: almost 2 years ago
ANNO - ANNO is a city-building and economic simulation video game series, with real-time strategy elements.
Life is Feudal - Medieval multiplayer sandbox RPG that focuses on realism.
Tropico - Tropico is an Addictive, Strategy, Construction and Management, City Building, Sandbox and Single-player Simulation developed by PopTop Software.
Stronghold - Stronghold Crusader is a RTS game from the series from Stronghold.
0 A.D. - 0 A. D. is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers. Download 0 A. D.
RimWorld - RimWorld - A sci-fi colony sim driven by an intelligent AI storyteller.