Based on our record, crDroid should be more popular than ArrowOS. It has been mentiond 12 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
If you are that scared of it you could easily download another os on it like Arrow OS . Source: about 2 years ago
ArrowOS 12 has been really reliable for me. Source: almost 3 years ago
I get 7.5 hours screen on, 70 hours screen off running ArrowOS custom software and a battery at only 80% health... Source: almost 3 years ago
Xiaomi poco x3 nfc I use Arrow OS vanilla version, fast, stable and clean, I routinely check it with pihole logs and sometimes with Wireshark and I've never seen anything alarming in regards to privacy since I switched to it 6 months ago. Source: about 3 years ago
I went on to do some research. There is different codenames under Poco headline and I have no idea which one is more stable. And guys I prefer to use google apps, so I guess I need the GAPPS build? oh and is GAPPS build stable or is there any bugs using google apps? Source: over 3 years ago
Lol thought that was crdroird android which has the same logo Source: over 1 year ago
Finally had enough of MIUI and decided I want crDroid instead. Did some research for a good tutorial and there's 50 different ways it seems, depending on what I want, most of them probably even outdated. Source: about 2 years ago
I have a POCO F3 with crDroid 8.9 (rooted - Magisk 25.2). I'm using this neet little repo, which you can basically fork and modify and it can generate a Magisk module, which you just have to install on your phone. It also generates another module that prevents the Play Store from updating the YT app (which I do have installed and I turned off auto-updating apps since I like to do it manually). Both of these... Source: about 2 years ago
Let me give an example. On my phone, the OnePlus 7 Pro, I am currently running CRDroid 8 as my custom ROM. This CRDroid system completely replaced the orignal system I had on the phone. It's Android 12 based, which isn't officially avaiable on the OP7Pro (yet). That's what I meant by newer android version. Also, because this is a custom OS, it is seperate from OnePlus. OnePlus plays no part in the development of... Source: over 2 years ago
I can recommend CrDroid from personal experience, just put your device model into this searchbar and see if they support your device. If you want ultimate security you should try Calyx, which is not only for google phones. Source: over 2 years ago
LineageOS - Operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android
Pixel Experience - PixelExperience is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, bootanimation).
Evolution X - #KeepEvolving!
MIUI - Xiaomi MIUI Official Global Site. MIUI is a customized Android ROM developed by Xiaomi for smartphones and tablets. MIUI Forum offers ROM downloads for 251 devices including Mi 6, Mi MIX 2, Redmi Note 4 and others.
GrapheneOS - GrapheneOS is an open source privacy and security focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
Havoc-OS - Havoc-OS is mobile OS