Based on our record, Playwright seems to be a lot more popular than Appium. While we know about 261 links to Playwright, we've tracked only 19 mentions of Appium. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.
Use tools like Detox or Appium for automated testing across iOS and Android. - Source: / 3 days ago
However, you must note that over-parallelization can cause resource contention and performance issues, so monitor it. Use tools like pytest-monitor, TestNG, and Appium to find your optimal parallel execution configuration. - Source: / 4 days ago
Appium - This tool allows you to automate testing also for mobile (iOS, Android, Tizen). ⭐ Open-source. - Source: / about 2 months ago
Let machines do the work. Use tools like Selenium or Appium to run more tests without burning out your team. - Source: / 3 months ago
Lastly, mobile testing platforms like Appium facilitate the testing of mobile applications across different devices and operating systems. This is crucial as mobile applications need to perform well across a myriad of devices with varying screen sizes and operating systems. - Source: / 7 months ago
You don't have to write your own using beautifulsoup. There are test frameworks like and that work great there. - Source: Hacker News / 2 days ago
While Cypress shines in front-end testing with its developer-friendly API, Playwright excels in cross-browser testing with a single API. Therefore, you should choose based on your specific needs: Cypress for frontend-heavy apps, Playwright for cross-browser consistency, or Selenium for wide language and browser support. - Source: / 4 days ago
Let's end Cypress vs Playwright , it will be obvious outcome once your requirements are clear. - Source: / 4 days ago
We're not skimping on testing. Here's the trifecta: Vitest is faster than Jest and works with ES modules out of the box. React Testing Library is still great for component testing, helping you catch accessibility issues and test like a user would. For end-to-end testing, Playwright is awesome, handling multiple browsers, visual testing, network stuff, and mobile device emulation without the flaky tests. - Source: / 5 days ago
Playwright is an open-source automation library for browser testing and web scraping. It allows developers to automate browser tasks in Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API, enabling the creation of reliable end-to-end tests that can run in both non-headless and headless modes. - Source: / 20 days ago
Selenium - Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that.
puppeteer - Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium...
Katalon - Built on the top of Selenium and Appium, Katalon Studio is a free and powerful automated testing tool for web testing, mobile testing, and API testing.
Apache JMeter - Apache JMeter™. - Slow, difficult and unreliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Install Cypress in seconds and take the pain out of front-end testing.
AT Internet - Transform your data into action with our powerful and flexible digital analytics solution.