Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups

🔖 RSS Client

Software for subscribing to and reading RSS feeds.

The best RSS Client Products based on votes, our collection of reviews, verified products and a total of 134 factors.

Best RSS Client Products in 2024

  1. 44

    The content you need to accelerate your research, marketing, and sales.

    freemium $72.0 / Annually (1000 sources)

  2. 41

    Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.

  3. 32

    Web-based news feed aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling...

    Open Source

  4. 37

    NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world.

    Open Source

  5. 33

    Reeder is an RSS reader and client for multiple services.

  6. 22

    Read all your favorite online content in one place. Import your subscriptions in one click, find your friends, and start sharing.

  7. 12

    A desktop app or browser extension for Firefox or Chrome. You can use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose - Twitter, a blog, YouTube, even on a public TiddlyWiki

  8. 23

    Your Personal Magazine. Find, follow and flip stories that change your world.

  9. 15

    Miniflux is a minimalist web-based RSS reader. It's very easy to use.

    Open Source

  10. 16

    Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source. Feature highlights:

  11. 10

    The easiest way to follow your favorite sites.

  12. Newsboat is a fork of Newsbeuter, an RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console. The only difference is that Newsboat is actively maintained while Newsbeuter isn't.

    Open Source

  13. Fast, clean and unique feed reader


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