Whisper Memos turns your ramblings into paragraphed articles, and emails them to you.
#Audio #Audio Recording #Email Marketing
Nominated by: SoftwareIdeasModeler, ashdeck, ambeteco
Promoted by: StanBright, Testiny, gopinath-31 and 35 more
The most powerful and advanced AI humanizer tool, built to bypass AI algorithms and ensure that your writing remains undetectable to AI detectors.Pricing:
- Open Source
#Writing Tools #AI Writing #AI
Nominated by: tjmakingof
Promoted by: StanBright, ashdeck, gopinath-31 and 29 more
Create your amazing Pixar-style movie posters with the power of AI!Pricing:
- Paid
- Free Trial
- $4.9 / One-off (30 Image Credits)
#Photos & Graphics #Design Tools #Poster Design
Nominated by: Socially-so, Openitcockpit
Promoted by: StanBright, Testiny, TestDev and 24 more
Create beautiful icons with the power of AIPricing:
- Paid
- $3.0 (30 credits/icons)
#Icons #App Icons #Icon Generator
Nominated by: AdityaSaashub, GD_SC
Promoted by: ashdeck, TestDev, bhavikchavda and 30 more
Welcome to Img2HTML, the service that transforms images into HTML pages. Simply upload your image and we'll send you back the HTML version. We offer fast, accurate conversion with a wide range of options to customize the output.Pricing:
- Paid
- $1.99 / Monthly (59.99)
#Developer Tools #Code Generator #Image To HTML
Nominated by: Img2html, Kushal, CloodoWorkspace
Promoted by: Testiny, ashdeck, TestDev and 31 more
Easy to use, affordable, quality icons.