Todoist is a to-do list that helps you get organized, at work and in life.
Solve math problems with the GPT-4o—upload text or images for free solutions.
Virtual corporate cards for advertising and business expenses.
When the world's most effective marketers meet leading B2B SaaS software, there's magic to be made. Uppercut brings those two sides together to run efficient and profitable affiliate programs.
QuickQore is best bookkeeping software for small businesses to streamline and automate accounting.Simple & easy-to-use bookkeeping system. Try it free for 30 days.
Flagsmith lets you manage feature flags and remote config across web, mobile and server side applications. Deliver true Continuous Integration. Get builds out faster. Control who has access to new features. We're Open Source.
Top products of the week as selected by SaaSHub's experts community.
The Copenhagen Book provides a general guideline on implementing auth in web applications. It is free, open-source, and community-maintained. It may be opinionated or incomplete at times but we hope this fills a certain void in online resources. We recommend using this alongside the OWASP Cheat Sheet Series.
The Commission’s updated rule will apply to almost all negative option programs in any media. The rule also will prohibit sellers from misrepresenting any material facts while using negative option marketing; require sellers to provide important information before obtaining consumers’ billing information and charging them; and require sellers to get consumers’ informed consent to the negative option features before charging them.
Meet the all-new Kindle family, including the first color Kindle
There’s never been a better time to pick up a Kindle. Amazon is introducing an entirely new lineup of Kindle devices, including the first-ever color Kindle, a reimagined Kindle Scribe, the fastest Kindle Paperwhite ever, and a new entry Kindle in a fun, new Matcha color.
Mates, that's all for this week!
I hope it was useful.
- Stan